grade 10 learning zonexpress - nutrition
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Diabetes MyPlate Handouts  
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5 Minute Breakfast Activities
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1 Great Plate Cut-Outs 1 Great Plate Cut-Outs gr. 6 to 12
Follow the USDA MyPlate model and teach correct portion sizes, food group proportions and plate composition with 1 ...more
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1 Great Plate Mixed Dish Cut-Outs 1 Great Plate Mixed Dish Cut-Outs gr. 6 to 12
1 Great Plate Mixed Dish Cut-Outs feature five different luncheon-sized plated with a variety of healthy combinatio...more
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5 Minute Food and Kitchen Safety Activities 5 Minute Food and Kitchen Safety Activities gr. 6 to 12
Use the 5 Minute Food and Kitchen Safety Activities as quick, easy, and effective activities to fill extra minutes ...more
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5 Minute Food and Nutrition Activities 5 Minute Food and Nutrition Activities gr. 6 to 12
Use these 5 Minute Food and Nutrition Activities as quick, easy, and effective activities to fill extra minutes of ...more
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5 Minute Food Prep Activities 5 Minute Food Prep Activities gr. 6 to 12
Use the 5 Minute Food Prep Activities as quick, easy, and effective activities to fill extra minutes of class time....more
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5 Minute Food Science Activities 5 Minute Food Science Activities gr. 6 to 12
Use the 5 Minute Food Science Activities as quick, easy, and effective activities to fill extra minutes of class ti...more
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Amazing Eggs Activity Lessons Amazing Eggs Activity Lessons gr. 6 to 12
Five, 2-hour lessons that explore one of our most verstile, nutritious, and culturally-rich foods: the egg! Student...more
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Breakfast Training PowerPoint Game gr. 6 to 12
The Handy Portions Bookmark is designed to familiarize children and adults with proper portion sizes. Featuring vis...more
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Caffeine Mini-Unit Caffeine Mini-Unit gr. 6 to 12
This mini-unit explores: * What caffeine is and what its effects are on the body. * How caffeine consumption affect...more
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China World Food Markets Class Pack China World Food Markets Class Pack gr. 6 to 12
Venture to China without ever leaving the classroom! The China World Food Markets Class Pack is the complete kit co...more
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