grade 10 learning zonexpress - nutrition
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Cooking with Class Cookbook Cooking with Class Cookbook gr. 6 to 12
Classroom tested recipes by FACS teachers in Minnesota. Over 150 student-approved recipes in a 3-ring binder. Recip...more
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Debunking Diet Myths Mini-Unit Debunking Diet Myths Mini-Unit gr. 6 to 12
This mini-unit explores: * Why some diets don't work. * How today's popular diets measure-up to recom...more
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Educated Palate Cookbook Educated Palate Cookbook gr. 6 to 12
Art, music and fine food are three of life's greatest pleasures. This resource aims to enhance students&rsqu...more
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Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foods Activity Packet Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foods Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Creative and fun activities and worksheets on Spanish foods to supplement the Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foods video. I...more
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Fast Food Learn and Lunch PowerPoint Fast Food Learn and Lunch PowerPoint gr. 6 to 12
Invite employees to an informative and fun Lunch and Learn presentation to enhance your worksite wellness program. ...more
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Fast Food Nutrition PowerPoint Fast Food Nutrition PowerPoint gr. 6 to 12
An overview of fast food, including the history of fast food and the drive thru, pros and cons of eating fast food,...more
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Focus on Fat Food Lab Mini-Unit Focus on Fat Food Lab Mini-Unit gr. 6 to 12
Learn how to lower fat in favorite recipes! Understand guidelines for a healthy,lower fat diet. Lessons include: * ...more
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Food Allergies and Sensitivities PowerPoint Food Allergies and Sensitivities PowerPoint gr. 6 to 12
An overview of the differences between food allergies and sensitivities, symptoms, trigger foods, treatment, what i...more
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Food and Religion Mini-Unit Food and Religion Mini-Unit gr. 6 to 12
This mini-unit makes understanding the connection between religion and food interesting and fun! Discover recipes f...more
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Food Management Lesson Plans Food Management Lesson Plans gr. 6 to 12
This well organized guide includes recipes, master grocery order forms, worksheets and answer key. Additional activ...more
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