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Stress Poster Stress Poster gr. 6 to 12
Having trouble sleeping or concentrating? Feeling overwhelmed or anxious? You're stressed! The Stress Poster...more
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Taste of America Taste of America gr. 6 to 12
The United States is a great nation with great food. From the East Coast to the West Coast, and from the Canadian b...more
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Teens Take on Grocery Shopping Mini-Unit Teens Take on Grocery Shopping Mini-Unit gr. 6 to 12
Guide teens through grocery shopping basics: * List making, food inventory, and meal planning. * Label reading and ...more
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Whats For Breakfast? Lesson Plans for Middle School and High School Whats For Breakfast? Lesson Plans for Middle School and High School gr. 6 to 12
Curriculum includes ten breakfast lesson plans for middle and high school students. Lesson incorporate fun and enga...more
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World Food Markets: China Activity Packet World Food Markets: China Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Creative and fun activities and worksheets to supplement the World Food Markets: China video. Includes Chinese food...more
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World Food Markets: France Activity Packet World Food Markets: France Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Creative and fun activities and worksheets to supplement the World Food Markets: France video. Includes French food...more
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World Food Markets: Italy Activity Packet World Food Markets: Italy Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Creative and fun activities and worksheets to supplement the World Food Markets: Italy video. Includes Italian food...more
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World Food Markets: Spain Activity Packet World Food Markets: Spain Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Creative and fun activities and worksheets to supplement the World Food Markets: Spain video. Includes Spanish food...more
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World Foods: Chinese Cooking Activity Packet World Foods: Chinese Cooking Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Fun and creative activities and worksheets on Chinese cooking to supplement the World Foods: Chinese Cooking Video....more
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World Foods: French Cooking Activity Packet World Foods: French Cooking Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Fun and creative activities and worksheets on French cooking to supplement the World Foods: French Cooking video. I...more
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