grade 10 learning zonexpress - parental resources
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Brain: Developing Memory in Developing Brains PowerPoint Brain: Developing Memory in Developing Brains PowerPoint gr. 6 to 12
Overview of key parts of the brain, how memories are made, importance of multi-sensory learning, practical tips for...more
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Child Development Theorists PowerPoint Child Development Theorists PowerPoint gr. 6 to 12
A comprehensive review of major child development and parenting theories from over the past 100+ years. Clear, conc...more
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Proper Diapering Procedure Tablet Proper Diapering Procedure Tablet gr. 6 to 12
8-1/2" x 11" *50 sheets per tablet This 2-sided tablet, which was developed in collaboration with the Na...more
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50 Web Based Lesson Plans - Parenting 50 Web Based Lesson Plans - Parenting gr. 10 to 12
Fifty self-directed lessons with answer keys give students the opportunity to explore parenting topics on the web! ...more
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