grade 10 learning zonexpress - posters
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Myth Busters: Polyunsaturated Fat Poster Myth Busters: Polyunsaturated Fat Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Not all fats are bad! While reminding us that eating too much of any type of fat is...more
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Myth Busters: Protein Poster Myth Busters: Protein Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated Focus on eating lean with protein! This factual poster with its eye-catching photos o...more
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Myth Busters: Saturated Fat Poster Myth Busters: Saturated Fat Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Good news! You don't have to eliminate all saturated fats from your diet to ...more
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Myth Busters: Set of Four Fats Posters Myth Busters: Set of Four Fats Posters gr. 9 to 12
Set of 4 Posters 18" x 24" * laminated Posters with information on Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, Satu...more
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Myth Busters: Set of Four Vitamins-Minerals and Antioxidants-Supplement Posters Myth Busters: Set of Four Vitamins-Minerals and Antioxidants-Supplement Posters gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated Set includes: 4443 - Vitamins 4444 - Minerals 4445 - Anitoxidants 4446 - Supplements...more
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Myth Busters: Simple Carbs Poster Myth Busters: Simple Carbs Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated Do you have a "sweet tooth?" This intriguing poster "busts" famil...more
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Myth Busters: Trans Fat Poster Myth Busters: Trans Fat Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Get the dish on trans fat with this attractive and informative poster. The content ...more
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Myth Busters: Vitamins Poster Myth Busters: Vitamins Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated Learn the facts about multi-vitamins as well as the benefits of several common vitami...more
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Portion Distortion Poster Portion Distortion Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated With obesity a national health concern, this poster offers a quick look at healthy ...more
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Resume Writing Poster Resume Writing Poster gr. 9 to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Gives examples of proper and improper resumes and what they say about a job applica...more
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