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Adventures in the Grocery Store DVD Adventures in the Grocery Store DVD gr. 10 to 12
Looking for a great "how to shop smart" grocery tour? Chef Andrew Zimmern takes viewers on an fun and inf...more
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Are You Ready to Live on Your Own? DVD Are You Ready to Live on Your Own? DVD gr. 10 to 12
Anthony gets advice from a pilot, his dad and friends about living on his own. Viewers get an overview of what to c...more
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Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foods DVD Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foods DVD gr. 10 to 12
Spain is "hot" and tapas are too! Chef Andrew Zimmern tours a Spanish restaurant and gives students the b...more
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Itandrsquot;s Your Money: Financial Flight School  DVD Itandrsquot;s Your Money: Financial Flight School DVD gr. 10 to 12
As students prepare to live on their own, they need to learn how to be financially wise. This current, relevant vid...more
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Joys and Concerns of Parenting DVD Joys and Concerns of Parenting DVD gr. 10 to 12
What does it really mean to be a parent? There are many challenges and adjustments that first-time parents face whe...more
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Just the Facts DVD Set Just the Facts DVD Set gr. 10 to 12
Chef Jonathan Locke has led professional kitchens from San Francisco to Santa Fe to Minneapolis for more than 20 ye...more
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Just the Facts Knives DVD Just the Facts Knives DVD gr. 10 to 12
Knives are a chef's best friend and an art tool - if you know how to use them properly. In this film, studen...more
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Just the Facts Salads DVD Just the Facts Salads DVD gr. 10 to 12
Chef Jon works his creative magic with healthy, well-presented salads. With more than 20 years of experience, his w...more
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Just the Facts: Breakfast DVD Just the Facts: Breakfast DVD gr. 10 to 12
Chef Jon's favorite meal is breakfast! In this engaging film, he demonstrates techniques, discusses nutritio...more
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Just the Facts: Cake Decorating DVD Just the Facts: Cake Decorating DVD gr. 10 to 12
Beautify your cakes with direction from Chef Rick Forpahl, an experienced cake decorator. Learn proper hand techniq...more
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