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subject categories:
crafts | critical thinking | educational play | foreign language | geography | language | learning zonexpress | math manipulatives | mathematics | microscopes | music | physical education | primary resources | science | science equipment | science kits | teacher resources | writing
apparatuses | beakers | bod bottles | bottles | burettes | casseroles | centrifuge tubes | compasses | cork | cork stoppers | crucibles | cylinders | dessicators | dispensers | electricity | evaporating dishes | filter paper | flasks | friction pads | funnels | glass plates | instruments | lab wear | litmus | magnets | magnifiers | measuring heat | measuring mass | measuring sets | measuring volume | measuring weather | meters | mirrors | pestle and mortars | pipettes | prisms and lenses | pulleys | reagent bottles | rods | rubber stoppers | scoops | spatulas | spectrum tubes | stands | stirring rods | stoppers | storage boxes | test tube racks | test tubes | trays | tuning forks | vials | watch glasses | wire | wire gauze
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Alnico Bar Magnets (4 Inch) gr. 8 to 12
Powerful Alnico 1 bar magnets, shipped in pairs, with separators and keepers. Width 1/2, Thickness 1/4. 4" lon...more | save 50%11.55
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Alnico Bar Magnets (6 Inch) gr. 8 to 12
Powerful Alnico 1 bar magnets, shipped in pairs, with separators and keepers. Width 1/2, Thickness 1/4. 6" lon...more | save 50%18.55
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Alnico Magnet Set of 4 gr. 8 to 12
Set of 4 powerful alnico magnets with keepers. Set consists of 2 bar magnets 80mm x 15mm x 10mm; a small horseshoe ...more | save 50%32.05
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Cylindrical Cow Magnet gr. 8 to 12
This magnet is generally fed to cows to attract metal particles they may have ingested while grazing. Students can ...more | save 50%7.55
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Economy Magnet Kit gr. 8 to 12
An exceptional value! This kit includes a variety of Magnets, and accessories for teaching basics of magnetism. Com...more | save 50%27.55
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Floating Magnets Set gr. 8 to 12
We have designed a special stand to replce the pencil, for hands free demonstration. Magnets are in plastic cases, ...more | save 50%4.55
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Lodestone - Pack of 5 gr. 8 to 12
A natural rock, collected in Utah USA, that contains traces of iron ore with natural magnetic properties. Measures ...more | save 50%17.05
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