Cooking Terms Bingo gr. 7 to 12
Set of 30 * 8 1/2" x 11" * Laminated Bingo Cards Playing BINGO is a great way for students to learn and r...more
save 5% 14.25
Food Safety Bingo gr. 7 to 12
Set of 30 * 8 1/2" x 11" * Laminated Bingo Cards Playing BINGO is a great way for students to learn and r...more
save 5% 23.70
Healthy Eating Kit for Middle School gr. 7 to 12
Your job to teach/encourage healthy eating just became easier with the eye-catching and informative components of t...more
Ethnic Food Stores Activity Packet gr. 9 to 12
From true false and multiple choice worksheets to create your own Ethnic Food Store or create a poster activities -...more
save 5% 16.10
Food Innovations Lesson Plans gr. 9 to 12
Show students what it takes to develop a new product! Students work collaboratively to develop, prepare, package, a...more
Happy Mealtimes and Healthy Kids Video gr. 9 to 12
Comprehensive video for parents and caregivers, narrated by Katja Rowell, MD, family doctor and childhood feeding s...more
save 5% 94.95
Obesity in a Bottle II Video gr. 9 to 12
Empty calories from sugar and fat found in many favorite beverages are adding inches to Americans' waistline...more