Portion Distortion Banner gr. 6 to 12
4' x 5'6" With obesity a national health concern, this banner offers a quick look at healthy po...more
save 5% 118.75
Portion Puzzle Poster Set of 4 gr. 6 to 12
Set of four 18" x 24" laminated posters Portion sizes have been increasing over the years - along with ou...more
save 5% 37.95
Salads Poster gr. 6 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated Salads can be an excellent choice for good health and weight maintenance- as long as ...more
save 5% 14.20
Secondary Poster Set gr. 6 to 12
Set of four laminated posters: *Healthy Choices (4112) 23" x 35" *Picture Your Meal (4290) 18" x 24...more
save 5% 37.95
Sensational Snacking Poster gr. 6 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated Includes healthy snack options from the pantry, refrigerator and countertop....more
save 5% 14.20
Simply Good For You Poster gr. 6 to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Get healthy with this inspiring poster that illustrates the goodness of fresh, ripe...more
save 5% 14.20
Sizing Up Beverages Poster gr. 6 to 12
Laminated, 18" x 24" This creative poster features daily beverage recommendations of water, coffee and te...more
save 5% 14.20
Snap Frame and Poster Set Series I gr. 6 to 12
The easy-to-use snap over frame is perfect to display posters. The sturdy aluminum frame holds up to four 18"...more
save 5% 123.45
Super Cart Poster gr. 6 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated The Super Cart poster pits two grocery carts side-by-side to determine which is the b...more
save 5% 14.20
US Food Plate Poster gr. 6 to 12
18" x 24" Laminated The US Food Plate Poster provides an alternative way to look at the food pyramid in a...more