Teen Safety: When You are Alone DVD gr. 1 to 12
Prevention is the key to stopping abuse, sexual violence or abduction. This program uses realistic scenarios and in...more
save 5% 75.95
World Food Markets: China DVD gr. 1 to 12
In densely populated Chinese cities, modern life contrasts with timeless traditions. A high value is placed on hard...more
save 5% 47.45
World Foods: Chinese Cooking DVD gr. 1 to 12
Whether you're a newcomer to Chinese cooking or want to finetune your skills, this video makes it easy to pr...more
save 5% 37.95
Career Day DVD Set gr. 2 to 12
In this program, teens reenact scenes where conflicts arise, illustrating both positive and negative ways these dif...more
save 5% 189.95
Breakfast ... Because DVD gr. 5 to 12
Explore why breakfast is so important! Engaging and creatively written, this video emphasizes the benefits of break...more
Obesity in a Bottle DVD gr. 5 to 12
What type of beverage do you reach for when you're with friends? The choices you make have the potential to ...more