grade 4 crafts - crayola
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Crayola Bulk Crayons 12 Pack Red  
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Crayola Bulk Crayons 12 Pack Green
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Crayola Crayons - Pack of 8 Crayola Crayons - Pack of 8 gr. Pre to 6
Crayons include a basic color palette of educator-preferred colors and provide hours of creative color fun....more
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Crayola Crayons Classpack - 8 Colors (Lg Size) Crayola Crayons Classpack - 8 Colors (Lg Size) gr. Pre to 7
Bulk-size large crayons, suitable for supplying a class. 400 sticks (8 colors - 50 each). Colors are: Red, Orange, ...more
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Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils 12 Pack Assorted Colors Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils 12 Pack Assorted Colors gr. Pre to 12
Crayola erasable colored pencils deliver bright colors and smooth laydown. Integral eraser on every pencil....more
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Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils 24 Pack Assorted Colors Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils 24 Pack Assorted Colors gr. Pre to 12
Now kids can make changes or corrections anytime to their artwork with the new Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils! 24...more
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Crayola Fine Line Washable Markers - 12 Pack Crayola Fine Line Washable Markers - 12 Pack gr. Pre to 6
Crayola Fine Line Washable Markers are specially formulated to have the bright, vivid colors and overall great qual...more
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Crayola Glue Stick .88 Oz. Crayola Glue Stick .88 Oz. gr. Pre to 12
Crayola Washable Glue Sticks go on blue and dry clear, so students can see what they've glued and maintain a...more
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Crayola Jumbo Crayons - Pack of 8 Crayola Jumbo Crayons - Pack of 8 gr. Pre to 6
Creativity starts in early childhood. Foster that creativity with these jumbo-sized Crayola crayons. They're...more
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Crayola Kids First Crayons - 8 Count Lg. Wash. Crayola Kids First Crayons - 8 Count Lg. Wash. gr. Pre to 7
The crayons you remember from your childhood except they are washable. Box of 8....more
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Crayola Kids First Large Washable Crayons - 16 Pack Crayola Kids First Large Washable Crayons - 16 Pack gr. Pre to 6
16 pack Kids First Crayola Washable Crayons have vibrant colors in a truly washable formula and easily wash off wal...more
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Crayola Large Size Crayons 8 Pack - Tuck Box Crayola Large Size Crayons 8 Pack - Tuck Box gr. Pre to 6
Crayola Crayons provide true color, no piling, build up, or erasing of crayon layers - good lay down. Tip and barre...more
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