grade 7 learning zonexpress - garden heroes
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grade 7 > learning zonexpress > garden heroes
grade 7 subject categories:

crafts | critical thinking | educational play | foreign language | geography | history | language | learning zonexpress | literature | math manipulatives | mathematics | microscopes | music | physical education | preschool resources | primary resources | reading | science | science equipment | science kits | social studies | teacher resources | wooden toys | writing

learning zonexpress categories:

babysitting | banners | bulletin boards | consumer education | fashion | garden heroes | life skills | math | mypyramid | nutrition | parental resources | physical education | posters | stickers | video

Clara Cranberry Garden Hero Clara Cranberry Garden Hero gr. Pre to 9
Clara Cranberry is a Garden Hero bean-bag plush character that helps encourage children to identify and eat more fr...more
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Cody Cauliflower Garden Hero Cody Cauliflower Garden Hero gr. Pre to 9
Cody Cauliflower is a Garden Hero bean-bag plush character that helps encourage children to identify and eat more f...more
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Craven Corn Garden Hero Craven Corn Garden Hero gr. Pre to 9
Craven Corn is a Garden Hero bean-bag plush character that helps encourage children to identify and eat more fruits...more
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Dino Poster Dino Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Fun and creative food art posters with educational messaging. Message: Be as strong...more
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Eddie Eggplant Garden Hero Eddie Eggplant Garden Hero gr. Pre to 9
Eddie Eggplant is a Garden Hero bean-bag plush character that helps encourages children to identify and eat more fr...more
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Foodscapes Stickers Set of 3 Foodscapes Stickers Set of 3 gr. Pre to 12
Promote nutrition and healthy eating with this set of stickers! Contains 3 rolls of colorful and creative food art ...more
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Fruit and Vegetable Fun Book with 24 Garden Heroes Fruit and Vegetable Fun Book with 24 Garden Heroes gr. Pre to 9
This popular elementary physical education kit features: Fruit and Vegetable Fun: 20 Games & Activities for PE and ...more
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Fruit Garden Heroes Set of 12 Fruit Garden Heroes Set of 12 gr. Pre to 9
Fruit Garden Heroes are adorable plush fruit bean-bag characters that can help educate and promote eating fruits. S...more
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Fruit Oasis Poster Fruit Oasis Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Fun and creative food art posters with educational messaging. Message: Find a fruit...more
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Garden Heroes Activities Book Garden Heroes Activities Book gr. Pre to 9
Grow a love for fruits and vegetables in young children with this activity book. It's packed full of nutriti...more
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