grade 7 learning zonexpress - posters
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grade 7 > learning zonexpress > posters
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Back to Sleep-Tummy to Play Poster Back to Sleep-Tummy to Play Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" laminated Learn the benefits of putting a baby on its back to sleep and its tummy to play with ...more
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Catch a Rainbow Poster Catch a Rainbow Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Highlights the many colors of fruits and vegetables and the importance of eating 5-...more
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Celebrate Veggies Poster Celebrate Veggies Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Get excited about vegetables with this poster! See if you can identify all the vegg...more
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Child Development Theorists Posters Child Development Theorists Posters gr. Pre to 12
Child Development Theorists Posters feature basic summaries of well-known child development theories with correspon...more
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Circus Poster Circus Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Fun and creative food art posters with educational messaging. Message: Sometimes li...more
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Dino Poster Dino Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Fun and creative food art posters with educational messaging. Message: Be as strong...more
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Fruit Oasis Poster Fruit Oasis Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Fun and creative food art posters with educational messaging. Message: Find a fruit...more
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Get Hippotized Poster Get Hippotized Poster gr. Pre to 12
18" x 24" * Laminated Fun and creative food art posters with educational messaging. Message: Get HIPPOtiz...more
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Hand Washing Poster Graphics Hand Washing Poster Graphics gr. Pre to 12
11" x 17" *Cardstock Poster Hand Washing Illustrated - depicts graphically how to properly wash hands. A...more
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Hand Washing Poster Set Hand Washing Poster Set gr. Pre to 12
11" x 17" *Cardstock set of 4 Posters Set includes: *Hand Washing Illustrated - depicts graphically how ...more
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