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World Foods: French Cooking DVD World Foods: French Cooking DVD gr. 5 to 12
The French are serious about food. In fact, the word "cuisine" comes from the French language. Their trad...more
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7 Ways to Block a Cyberbully DVD 7 Ways to Block a Cyberbully DVD gr. 6 to 12
Cyber bullies don't shove kids on the playground or steal lunch money, but they are just as dangerous. They ...more
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A Tour of a Fabric Store DVD A Tour of a Fabric Store DVD gr. 6 to 12
Motivate students to experience the sensational world of the fabric store! A high school student takes them on a to...more
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Cash, Credit, and Your Future DVD Cash, Credit, and Your Future DVD gr. 6 to 12
What are your students looking forward to? More education? A great job? A cool car? Dreams are free but achieving t...more
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Confessions DVD Series Confessions DVD Series gr. 6 to 12
Set includes: Confessions of an In-Home Childcare Provider (3458) Confessions of Chefs and a Restaurater (3452) Con...more
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Confessions of an In-Home Childcare Provider and Montessori Teacher DVD Confessions of an In-Home Childcare Provider and Montessori Teacher DVD gr. 6 to 12
Peer into the world of experienced Montessori teachers and in-home childcare providers in this insightful video. Th...more
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Design: All About Color DVD Design: All About Color DVD gr. 6 to 12
Color has the ability to create emotion and influence our moods. Color is a powerful tool in interior design and fa...more
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Design: The Elements DVD Design: The Elements DVD gr. 6 to 12
The elements of design are the components that are used to create a complete design. Interior designer Brandi Hagen...more
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Digital Footprint DVD and Activity Packet Digital Footprint DVD and Activity Packet gr. 6 to 12
Your digital footprint is the data trace left by your activity in a digital environment, whether on the Internet, b...more
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Eat To Win:  Nutrition For Athletes  DVD Eat To Win: Nutrition For Athletes DVD gr. 6 to 12
Telly Award Winner When athletes step onto the field, court or track, they want to perform their best. Placing good...more
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