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Encouraging Moral Development in Children  DVD Encouraging Moral Development in Children DVD gr. 6 to 12
Enter into a dynamic discussion on moral development as hosted by a group of teens who give their opinions on moral...more
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Extreme Etiquette DVD Set Extreme Etiquette DVD Set gr. 6 to 12
Manners/civility/respect education is exciting when students learn the ins and outs of etiquette in interesting env...more
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Fashion Show Through History DVD Fashion Show Through History DVD gr. 6 to 12
Teens model fashions through the centuries as a narrator details the distinctions of each style. This video is fun,...more
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Fast Food Nutrition DVD Fast Food Nutrition DVD gr. 6 to 12
Fast food often gets a bad rap. High amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, sodium, and calories, and a lack o...more
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Food Science Experiments DVD Food Science Experiments DVD gr. 6 to 12
Experience kitchen chemistry and the wonders of food science! Host Susan Turgeson and students demonstrate six fun ...more
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Go Green Around Your Home DVD Go Green Around Your Home DVD gr. 6 to 12
Sustaining the world's resources for future generations can start with small changes around your home. Watch...more
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Got a Notion to Sew DVD Got a Notion to Sew DVD gr. 6 to 8
Get students ready to sew! Includes safety in the sewing lab, notions for sewing, hand-sewing basics and the sewing...more
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Health Science Careers DVD Health Science Careers DVD gr. 6 to 12
Do you consider yourself a team player? A career in health science may be just for you! Quality patient care relies...more
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Just the Facts Microwave Ovens DVD Just the Facts Microwave Ovens DVD gr. 6 to 12
Ever wonder how a microwave oven actually cooks food? The mystery is solved as Chef Jon uses a basic microwave to e...more
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Laundry 101: Clothing Care for Looking Good DVD Laundry 101: Clothing Care for Looking Good DVD gr. 6 to 12
A lively format! The perfect primer on clothing care. Jacki and Duane, two junior high students, follow five easy s...more
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