Superfoods Handouts
Superfoods to "super-fy" you! These colorful and creative handouts depict foods that stand out as super s...more
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Ten Ways to Drink Water Handouts
Discover the value of pure, fresh drinking water as part of a healthy diet. The tablet front shows 10 simple ways t...more
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Test Tubes of Fat - Part 1
Displays the amount of fat (in grams) in foods. Set includes 10 tubes and an information leaflet. Tubes show the fa...more
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Test Tubes of Fat - Part 2
Displays the amount of fat (in grams) in foods. Set includes 10 tubes and an information leaflet. Tubes show the fa...more
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Test Tubes of Fat - Part 3
Displays the amount of fat (in grams) in foods. Set includes 10 tubes and an information leaflet. Tubes show a comp...more
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Think Your Drink Handouts
The Think Your Drink Tablet uses information found on a nutrition label to help you compare the nutrients, sugar, a...more