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Round Plastic Bulb Holder  
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gr. 8 to 12   

Meters - Ammeter DC (0-1A)
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gr. 8 to 12    
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Lab Scoop and Handle Set Lab Scoop and Handle Set gr. 8 to 12
Great quality stainles steel scoop with one pointed end for handling small amount of chemicals. Length 6 1/2" ...more
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Large Archimedes Principle Apparatus Large Archimedes Principle Apparatus gr. 8 to 12
100 ml Capacity Archimedes' Principle Apparatus. Apparatus requires a 200g spring scale, an overflow can and...more
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Leyden Jar Leyden Jar gr. 8 to 12
Learn about static electricity and the function of a dielectric with this device. Two aluminum jars-one with an att...more
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Life-Sized Brain Model Life-Sized Brain Model gr. 8 to 12
This is an excellent life-size human brain model for students. It is dissectible into 3 parts and shows all major p...more
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Life-Sized Human Skeleton Model Life-Sized Human Skeleton Model gr. 8 to 12
This life-sized human skeleton model features unbreakable plastic bones which were carefully cast to preserve the f...more
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Lodestone Lodestone gr. 8 to 12
A natural rock that contains traces of iron ore with natural magnetic properties. Measures approximately 2" lo...more
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Low T-Difference Stirling Engine and Activity Guide Low T-Difference Stirling Engine and Activity Guide gr. 8 to 12
This economical Stirling Engine runs by exploiting the heat flow generated by the small temperature difference betw...more
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Magnet Stirrup Magnet Stirrup gr. 8 to 12
Brass support for bar magnets or friction rods. Allows magnets or friction rods to hang freely and turn in a horizo...more
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Magnetic Field Demonstrator Magnetic Field Demonstrator gr. 8 to 12
This is a quick and clean way to visualize magnetic fields. The demonstrator is a transparent acrylic case that hol...more
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Maxwells Wheel and Activity Guide Maxwells Wheel and Activity Guide gr. 8 to 12
This classic device is used to demonstrate the conservation of mechanical energy and its conversion from one form t...more
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