Classroom Complete Press World Wars I and II Big Book - only $17.44
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World Wars I and II Big Book
 World Wars I and II Big Book
by Deborah Thompson

Item number CCP5503.
Regularly stocked item.
Usually ships within 2 business days.
UPC 9781553193586
Published by Classroom Complete Press
90 pages
recommended for
5 to 8
10 to 14
list price $22.95
our price $17.44
savings $5.51 (24%)
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Our Combined resource extensively covers the first and second world wars. Learn why the wars began along with reviews and strategies of the major battles. Discover who the major players were and how and why the U.S. entered and contributed to the wars. Our resource provides ready-to-use information and activities for remedial students in grades five to eight. Written to grade and using simplified language and vocabulary, social studies concepts are presented in a way that makes them more accessible to students and easier to understand. Comprised of reading passages, student activities and overhead transparencies, our resource can be used effectively for whole-class, small group and independent work. Reading Level: 3 to 4. Includes 12 overhead pages.
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