In Daily Geography Practice, Grade 5, 36 map lessons introduce basic geography skills and over 100 geography terms. What a perfect hands-on approach to geography instruction! The geography skills presented at Grade 5 include: globes, compass roses, map legends, map grids and coordinates, map scales, physical country and continent maps, projections, regional maps, road and tourist maps, historical and cultural landmark maps, population and product maps, climate and time zone maps, land use, product, and resource maps, political country and world maps, Series description refers to the Reproducible Teacher EditionDaily Geography Practice, based on the 18 National Geography Standards, provides a quick way to incorporate geography into the school day. Each of the 36 weekly lessons includes: A teacher resource page: statement of the geography standard and skill being addressed, background information and suggestions for introducing the skill, geography vocabulary and definitions, an answer key for the lesson. Maps: a full-page reproducible map that illustrates the geography skill, a transparency of the same map for a teacher-guided lesson. Reproducible question pages: two geography questions for each day of the week, a challenge question at the end of each week, questions that progress in difficulty from Monday to Friday. Additional Features: a reproducible geography glossary for students, National Geography Standards Six Essential Elements correlated to weekly lessons. |