Cash, Credit, and Your Future DVD Item number LZX-3483. Regularly stocked item. Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
ISBN 1571757317 ISBN 1-5717-5731-7
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
grades 6 to 12
ages 11 to 18
list price $79.95 our price $75.95 savings $4.00 (5%)
What are your students looking forward to? More education? A great job? A cool car? Dreams are free but achieving them takes good planning, hard work and money. Get a head start, learn how to manage money, understand paychecks and the basics of credit and debit cards. Two teen viewers watch a financial awards show and learn the right way to manage their money. Grades 9 - Adult Teaching materials included, 20 min Closed Captioned
Why We Wear What We Wear DVD
A group of teens goes on a clothing scavenger hunt and discovers there are many reasons people choose certain types... grades 5 to 9 more