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Gel Stars Terrific Trimmers
Item number T-92322, $4.55 ea.
Unifix Cubes for Pattern Building
Item number DD-2121, $28.11 ea.
Action Words Skill Drill Flash Cards
Item number T-53013, $7.59 ea.
Composition Paper - 8-1/2 x 11 - 3/8 ruled - 500 Sheets
Item number PAC2402, $8.55 ea. plus $13.90 ground shipping ea. or $40.31 3 day select shipping ea. On backorder.
Paragraph Writing
Item number EMC246, $13.31 ea.
Gold Leaf Electroscope
Item number ELGL01, $24.05 ea.
Tuning Fork - 1024 Hz.
Item number TFK1024, $3.55 ea.
Molecular Model Set - Student
Item number 58012, $34.55 ea.
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ground shipping
shipping charge $32.75
backordered item/s - shipping delay
total $157.01
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3 day select
shipping charge 94.98
backordered item/s - shipping delay
total order $219.24
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