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Basic Baby Care DVD
Item number LZX-3413, $94.95 ea.
Tripod Stand with Concentric Rings - 9 Inch
Item number TCR6X9, $15.55 ea.
PE-Nut Healthy Spring and Summer Party Tips Handouts
Item number LZX-622024, $9.50 ea.
Division Pocket Flash Cards
Item number T-23018, $3.79 ea.
Crayola Colored Pencils 8 Pack Assorted Colors
Item number BIN4008, $1.80 ea. On backorder.
1X36 Floor Tape Red
Item number CHS1X36FTRD, $3.85 ea.
Base 10 Block Stamp, 6 stamps with handles
Item number CE-798, $12.57 ea.
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