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1 Terrific Tray 32x45 Dry Erase Menu Board
Item number LZX-992150, $224.15 ea.
Certificate of Achievement (Large) Certificate
Item number T-2562, $5.31 ea.
Craven Corn Garden Hero
Item number LZX-507520, $4.70 ea.
1 Terrific Tray 18 x 24 Dry Erase Menu Board
Item number LZX-992149, $85.45 ea.
Backyard Bugs
Item number LER0457, $18.03 ea.
65 cm Fitpro Training and Exercise Ball
Item number CHSFP65, $38.26 ea.
Context Clues: Pirate Treasure Game - Red Level (RL 2.0-3.5)
Item number LRN302, $16.24 ea.
8.5 Inch Coated High Density Foam Ball
Item number CHSHD85, $20.94 ea.
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shipping charge $27.40
receive it by Monday, 30-Dec-24
total $440.48
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shipping charge 79.46
receive it by Friday, 27-Dec-24
total order $492.54
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