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Zaner-Bloser Broken Midline Paper - 8 x 10-1/2 - 500 Sheets
Item number PACZP2613, $8.39 ea. plus $13.90 ground shipping ea. or $40.31 3 day select shipping ea. On backorder.
Spring Scale Clear Plastic - 5000g - 50 N (Quantity 1)
Item number SB5000-P, $3.05 ea.
Test Tubes with Rims - 32 X 200mm - Pack of 50
Item number TT9800-J, $71.55 ea.
Food Safety Spanish Handouts
Item number LZX-475006, $11.35 ea.
Plastic Stirring Rods - 10 Inch - 12 Pack
Item number 81401, $9.05 ea.
Baking Fundamentals DVD: Muffins, Biscuits, Pancakes and Quick Breads
Item number LZX-300029, $47.45 ea.
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ground shipping
shipping charge $32.75
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total $183.59
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shipping charge 94.98
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total order $245.82
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