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Baking Basics DVD Set
Item number LZX-3381, $189.95 ea. On backorder.
Wide-Mouth Polypropylene Erlenmeyer Flasks - 500 ML - Pack of 12
Item number FP0500, $51.05 ea.
Crayola Washable Markers Classpack - 200 Ct.
Item number BIN588200, $89.90 ea.
Test Tubes with Rims - 12 X 100 mm - Pack of 72
Item number TT9800-C, $18.05 ea.
Connecting Cuisenaire Rods Small Group Set
Item number LER7482, $21.05 ea.
Class B Serological Pipette - 0.1ml - Pack of 6
Item number PS7080-A, $17.55 ea.
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