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Deluxe 25 Piece Food Groups Set
Item number LCI271, $22.95 ea.
Picture Story Papers - 12 x 9 - 500 Sheets
Item number PAC2424, $12.00 ea. plus $13.63 ground shipping ea. or $39.53 3 day select shipping ea. On backorder.
Glass Block With Two Frosted Sides - 114mm X 63mm X 19mm
Item number RGF114, $17.05 ea.
Phonemic Awareness
Item number CTP2332, $12.57 ea.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Item number HC-0060245867, $16.19 ea.
Support Stand and Ring Sets (5x8, 3 rings)
Item number SET583, $34.55 ea.
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ground shipping
shipping charge $32.48
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total $147.79
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shipping charge 94.20
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total order $209.51
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