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Leopard Terrific Trimmers
Item number T-92163, $4.55 ea.
Kids Spanish Healthy Eating from Head to Toe Vinyl Banner with Stand
Item number LZX-937231, $123.45 ea.
USDA Kids MyPlate Handouts
Item number LZX-470124, $11.35 ea.
Measuring Pipettes - Mohr Type - 5.0 ML - Pack of 6
Item number PM7060-H, $18.05 ea.
Amazing Eggs Activity Lessons
Item number LZX-628001, $28.45 ea.
Confessions of a Fashion Designer DVD
Item number LZX-3453, $23.75 ea.
Crayola Colored Pencils 12 Pack Assorted Colors
Item number BIN4012, $2.26 ea. On backorder.
Composition Paper - 8 x 10-1/2 - White - 500 Sheets
Item number PAC2441, $8.00 ea. plus $13.90 ground shipping ea. or $40.31 3 day select shipping ea.
Jumbo Ocean Animals
Item number LER0696, $31.44 ea.
Picture Words Flash Cards
Item number T-53004, $7.59 ea.
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shipping charge $41.30
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total $300.19
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shipping charge 119.77
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total order $378.66
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