Remedia Publications Reading for Speed and Content (3-Book Set) - only $24.28
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Reading for Speed and Content (3-Book Set)
 Reading for Speed and Content (3-Book Set)
Item number REM1043.
Regularly stocked item.
Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
Published by Remedia Publications
PLEASE NOTE REGARDING THE GRADE AND AGE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REMEDIA PUBLICATIONS PRODUCTS ONLY: Most grade recommendations reflect what students should know and be able to do at specific grade levels. However, the grade and age recommendations shown on Remedia Publications products only reflect an interest level appropriate for a child, not necessarily the grade level at which a particular skill or concept is normally first taught.
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2 to 5
7 to 11
list price $29.97
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Build reading fluency, comprehension, and confidence with these practice-packed books! This series has three books spanning four grade levels, giving you plenty of activities to meet the needs of your learners. Turning the stories into timed reading exercises is a great way to get students to read at a faster pace, improving reading confidence as well as overall comprehension! Have students read the whole story then record the amount of time it took them to read it, or set a time limit and track how far they got. End-of-line word counts make it quick and easy to figure the number of words read. Each story has a place to record the time and words read, and helpful charts are included for computing words read per minute and recording student progress.
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